Seminar in
Communication Networks
Spring 2021

Join us on a fascinating journey through cutting-edge networking research!

In addition to discovering new ideas and big open questions in communication networks, this seminar will hone your skills in scientific presentation, discussion moderation, scientific writing, and critical thinking.


April 29 The discussion and background presentations of today's session are now online.
April 1 The discussion and background presentations of today's session are now online.
Enjoy Easter break!
March 4 The discussion and background presentations of today's session are now online.
March 1 The paper assignment is now available. Look for your name in the list of papers below.
As explained in the first session, for the paper assigned to you, you must
  • present the paper's background during the previous session,
  • prepare and lead the discussion for the week your paper is discussed.
Feb 26 The Zoom link for the session is now on the website.
Enter your nETHz credentials when prompted.
Feb 25 First session is today!
HotCRP (the site for writing your reviews) is now live. We will create the student accounts after today's class.
We will send around the Zoom link again shortly before the session for any of you having enrolled recently.
Feb 22 List of papers and (tentative) schedule are online.
Registered students should have received the Zoom link and instructions for the first session (Feb. 25).
Feb 10 Important! This course complements the "Communication Networks Seminar" offered in the Autumn semester (263-3900-01L).
Students can get credits for either seminar, but not for both.
Jan 18 Website for 2021 goes live.



  • Laurent Vanbever
  • Romain Jacob

Teaching assistant

  • Coralie Busse-Grawitz
  • Alexander Dietmüller
  • Albert Gran Alcoz
  • Ege Cem Kirci

Research group Networked Systems Group

Location & time

Lecture Thursday 2 pm–4 pm in ETZ E 7 on Zoom.
Zoom link


The two main goals of this seminar are to

  1. Learn how to read and review scientific papers.
  2. Learn how to present and discuss technical topics with an audience of peers.

Students are required to attend the entire seminar, choose a paper to present from a given list, prepare and give a presentation on that topic, and lead the follow-up discussion. To ensure the talks' quality, each student will be mentored by a teaching assistant. In addition to presenting one paper, every student is also required to submit one (short) review for the two papers presented every week in-class.

The students will be evaluated based on their submitted reviews, their presentation, their leadership in animating the discussion for their own paper, and their participation in the discussions of other papers.


The seminar will start with one introductory lecture. Starting from the second week, participating students will start reviewing, presenting, and discussing research papers. We'll discuss two papers each week.

Important! This course complements the "Communication Networks Seminar" offered in the Autumn semester (263-3900-01L).
Students can get credits for either seminar, but not for both.

Prerequisites / Notice

  • Communication Networks (227-0120-00L), or equivalents.

Performance assessment

  • ECTS credits: 2 credits.
  • Type: Graded semester performance.
Session 1 Feb 25
Introduction to the Course
Seminar's organization Laurent
Slides | Recording
Session 2 March 4
Replicability and Benchmarking
Background on Replicability and Benchmarking Romain
Slides | Recording
TriScale: A Framework Supporting Replicable Performance Evaluations in Networking (Preprint) Romain

Is Big Data Performance Reproducible in Modern Cloud Networks? (NSDI 2020) Romain
Paper | Slides | Recording
Discussion session
Session 3 March 11
Video Streaming
Oboe: Auto-tuning Video ABR Algorithms to Network Conditions (SIGCOMM 2018) Siddhant
Paper | Background | Discussion
Learning in situ: a randomized experiment in video streaming (NSDI 2020) Andreas
Paper | Background | Discussion
Session 4 March 18
Forwarding and Routing
Contra: A Programmable System for Performance-aware Routing (NSDI 2020) Tim
Paper | Background | Discussion
Routing on Multiple Optimality Criteria (SIGCOMM 2020) Oliver
Paper | Background | Discussion
Session 5 March 25
Programmable Networks
Mantis: Reactive Programmable Switches (SIGCOMM 2020) Andrea
Paper | Background | Discussion
Forwarding and routing with packet subscriptions (CoNEXT 2020) Nando
Paper | Background | Discussion
Other interesting reads (optional)
  • Using deep programmability to put network owners in control (CCR 2020)
Session 6 April 1
Network Measurement
BeauCoup: Answering Many Network Traffic Queries, One Memory Update at a Time (SIGCOMM 2020) Luc
Paper | Background | Discussion
PINT: Probabilistic In-band Network Telemetry (SIGCOMM 2020) Debopam
Paper | Background | Discussion
April 8
Easter Break
Session 7 April 15
Network Verification
A General Approach to Network Configuration Verification (aka Minesweeper, SIGCOMM 2017) Yilei
Paper | Background | Discussion
Plankton: Scalable network configuration verification through model checking (NSDI 2020) Guy
Paper | Background | Discussion
Session 8 April 22
Network Synthesis
NetComplete: Practical Network-Wide Configuration Synthesis with Autocompletion (NSDI 2018) Laurent
Paper | Background (joined with the other paper) | Discussion (joined with the other paper)
Switch Code Generation Using Program Synthesis (SIGCOMM 2020) Laurent
Paper | Background (joined with the previous paper) | Discussion (joined with the previous paper)
Session 9 April 29
Privacy and Censorship
Conjure: Summoning Proxies from Unused Address Space (CCS 2019) Ege
Paper | Background (joined with the previous paper) | Discussion (joined with the previous paper)
Session 10 May 6
Congestion Control
Copa: Practical Delay-Based Congestion Control for the Internet (NSDI 2018) Grzegorz
Paper | Background | Discussion
PCC Proteus: Scavenger Transport And Beyond (SIGCOMM 2020) Kaan
Paper | Background | Discussion
Other interesting reads (optional)
  • Congestion-Control Throwdown (HotNets 2017)
May 13
Session 11 May 20
Quantum Networks
A Link Layer Protocol for Quantum Networks (SIGCOMM 2019) Coralie
Paper | Background (joined with the following paper)
Designing a Quantum Network Protocol (CoNEXT 2020) Coralie
Paper | Background (joined with the previous paper)
May 29
No session
June 3
No session